Medusa is a non-profit nomadic collective that aims to stimulate cultural exchanges and promote new emerging artists. Serving as a platform, Medusa’s main objective is to provide the fertile soil upon which new conceptions within the current cultural landscape can flourish. As Medusa strongly believes that artistic innovations emerge through dialogue, it places an emphasis on collaboration as a means to constantly evolve the discourse of artistic and cultural engagements. 
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A Regular Day Elsewhere
Now I Can Play Louder
Table d’hôtes
My Homies
Indigo Deijmann Loves Robert Pattinson
The Future in a Fossil
State of Flux
𝓘n the Cold Breeze of a New Earth
Hoogte Lengte Breedte (w/ Lina Ejdaa)
Gather Like Dust (w/ BOX22)


Rundgang Curator Picks: Medusa
Emergent Magazine (w/ Rinus Van de Velde)
Cendar Brussels by Galerie Zotto (w/ Sam Evers)

current TEAM

Tim Evers
Saskia Smith
Lisa De Meyer
Egon Moles Le Bailly
Anna De Wandeler

previous members

Sacha Verleyen 
Noa Verkeyn




©Saskia Smith


Medusa Offspace VZW
Michel Zwabstraat 20 (7)
1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek

        registration number

0787.962.276 RPR Brussel

Gather Like Dust

    Justin Somjen, Finn Theuws, Arnaud Eubelen, Mathias Mu, Julia Dahee Hong and Justine Grillet, in collabortion with BOX22

Duinstraat 124, 2060 Antwerp

The artist as a midnight cleaner. Dust might be everywhere, neither near nor far. Whenever you enter a space, dust will find its way. Even if nobody wants it, everybody knows it is there.
   ‘Gather’ alludes to something which has a vast, decisive, and preordained goal — whereas dust indicates an open, unanswered, undecided structure. Gather ‘Like Dust’ refers to the act of converging something which, in its essence, can not be reduced to this type of rational act. Something which is almost too diffuse, too relentless and too incoherent to be led by the seducing charm of gathering.
    Yet we gather here the idea of dust, as being something that is defined by non-dust, by the space between these separate particles. This distance creates the openness to re-approach these elements and let them co-exist once more. In such, the artistic practice, as well as the act of exhibiting and spectating is like gathering dust, redefining the world, rethinking our reality.

Gather Like Dust is a group show with works by Justin Somjen, Finn Theuws, Arnaud Eubelen, Mathias Mu, Julia Dahee Hong and Justine Grillet.
    The exhibition was brought together by the Antwerp collective, BOX22, and the Brussels collective, Medusa. Both are led by a young team of artists and curators. The collaboration instigated out of a remarkable parallel, both collectives being nomadic off-spaces that look to create and provoke a new perception on contemporary art by using exhibitions as a medium in itself and by intensively collaborating with artists. When these two collectives found each other they brought together six artists, to gather them like dust.

All Pictures ©Lina Van Hulle
Text by Lina Ejdaa
Graphics by Myrthe Van Rompaey

Works of (left to right) Justine Grillet, Mathias Mu, Julia Dahee Hong and Finn Theuws

Works of Justin Somjen (wall) and Finn Theuws (clay circle)

Works by Justin Somjen

Works of Justin Somjen (wall) and Mathias Mu (front)

Work by Mathias Mu

Work by Justine Grillet

Work by Julia Dahee Hong

Works by Arnaud Eubelen